A Handicapping Tool – The Money Line

When it comes to sports betting, one of the most useful tools that you can use is the money line. When you are thinking about handicapping a sports game, the money line is one of the best tools that you can have. It can help you decide whether you are betting on a team that…
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A Card Counter’s Guide to Success

Many people go to the casino to play blackjack or baccarat or to play poker with a goodfare prize. When they win, they leave with heavy hearts and some empty pockets. But that’s not the reason they play. Not at all. Only a small percentage of the people who play these games even finish the…
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Why Bet Online?

Many people like to watch sports and many people like to make money. With the modern technology available today, many things have changed in the world of sports; however, not everything. Betting in sports, many people still like to bet in order to make money. This is a normal human nature. Imagine a world where…
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Casino and Sports Betting Business – Learning to Play Casino Masterfully!

Just like any other game of chance, there is a lot of studying that needs to be done in order to master the game of blackjack. It is important to discover the worth of the odds you are facing because no one wants to lose money or end up disappointed in what you are doing.…
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How to Beat the overlays and c-betters

If you have read my book, The No B.S. Guide to Winning Online No Limit Texas Hold’em, you know how I approach the game from afordlow – I’m aChris Moneymaker guy. I made a lot of money on my A-game. It paid off, but after a while I realized that the way I was playing…
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How to Set Your Goal of Becoming a Lotto Winner

Setting your goals is a question of your personal interest and not the interest of your neighbor. You don’t make this in favor of anyone, but in your own favor. And yet a thought of winning the lottery, although it may not be in your favor, it still counts for something and counts for something…
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Internet Casinos

So, you are ready to try internet casinos, but you are not really keen on losing your money. Who can blame you, who really wants to lose their money. The key to internet casino success is to understand what they have to offer you and getting out of their way as far as possible. The…
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How to Start Your Own Online Casino and Poker Gaming Business

Did you know that online gambling business is currently one of the fastest growing business categories in the world? The popularity of online gambling is increasing rapidly and this year has seen significant growth in Europe and Asia. In China and Malaysia, there are twice as many online gamers as there are Internet shoppers. Around…
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Play Poker in a Better Way

Many successful poker players are beginners in the game. The reason is very simple. Poker is a game that requires a lot of practice and a lot of knowledge. beginner players just don’t have the experience and they need something to guide them. As in any other game, you will be better if you know…
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How to Find a Good Place to Play Online Bingo

Please let us assist you in finding the right place to play bingo online. One would suggest that the prospective player take into consideration some of the factors that we have outlined below: Games appearing on the online bingo sites are usually determined by the number of players and number of spaces on the site.…
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